About Lesson
What you have learned
Key points: When you buy local and seasonal…
- You buy local and seasonal you can eat better quality food for less
- You buy local and seasonal it supports your local community
- When you buy local and seasonal you can help reduce the amount of food waste we produce.
- It’s easier to know what you’re getting in your food when you buy local and seasonal- less chance for unknown ingredients in products.
- You help reduce the environmental costs associated with your food.
- Use the What’s In Season Guides from Eat Well Tas to help you plan for using seasonal fruit and veggies
Things to do now:
- Send us your favourite recipe that uses seasonal and local produce. We’d love a photo too (of you with the meal, or your students enjoying it) Email it to us at- alicia@schoolfoodmatters.org.au
- Use the link here to a poster for display in your food service area. It’s your pledge to use local and seasonal foods whenever possible. Thank you!